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Resource Application and Development, LTD., through Pavich & Associates, also offers the expertise of Jack D. Ferris.
Mr. Ferris handles water resources projects and provides years of experience and knowledge in analyzing complex water right issues.

Resource Application & Development, LTD. offers:
* Water Acquisitions & Transactions
* Basin Analysis       
* Region Analysis     
* Loong Range Planning      
* Recharge Estimates
* Basin Abstracts and Summaries   
* Adjudication
* Determination of Vested Rights    
* Administrative Filings/Proceedings
* Court Proceedings  
* Expert Testimony  
* Appropriations      
* Mapping    
* Filings        
* Tracking Start Finish        
* Points of Diversion 


If you have water right questions, or are interested in purchasing or selling water rights, please call Resource Application & Development, LTD. at 775.329.3799.


Pavich & Associates            1025 Ridgeview Drive, Suite 200, Reno, Nevada 89519            p. 775.329.0777

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